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Hi, I'm Freja and I review books for you lovelies! You want to get hyped up about books- then here's the place. Welcome to this tent of awesomeness- yay you're in? Ok, close the flap. Read for Now

Sunday 20 July 2014

An Abundance of Katherine's By John Green Review

From the blurb: when it comes to relationships,everyone has a type. Colin Singleton's type is girls's named Katherine. He has dated- and been dumped by- 19 Katherines. In the wake of The K-19 Debacle, Colin-an anagram-obsessed washed-up child prodigy-heads out on a road trip with his overweight, Judge Judy-loving friend Hassan.

With 10000 dollars in his pocket and a feral hog on his trail, Colin is on a mission to prove a mathematical theorem he hopes will predict the future of any relationship (and conceivably win the girl)

Alright. In An Abundance of Katherines, I enjoyed the characters John Green has created for us. Such as Colin- who from his birth was expected to quickly develop from his child prodigy stage into a mind blowing genius like Einstein or Newton but unfortunately didn't quite reach that stage. Colin's always been dumped by Katherines and he expects that trend to continue and now he's on a road trip searching for his 'Eureka Moment'.

Hassan is Colin's friend who walks the straight and narrow on his religion- no kissing or anything more with anyone before marriage, no drinking, no drugs and the list continues. And good for him I say. But on this road trip things begin to change.

And Lindsey- my favourite character by far. She's a spunky paramedic in training who lives in the middle if nowhere giving tours to see an arch dukes grave that she's more closely related to than one might think. She's fun and fresh- but she's caught up in her past. And she wants to know what on earth her mum is doing on angry phone calls when she thinks Lindsey isn't home. We have to keep guessing with Lindsey because John Green has portrayed her in such a way that is exceptionally lively and original to the others in this book.

But sadly, apart from his well written characters the plot really is quite basic and doesn't have much point. Only at the end do things start to get exiting and it feels like the first 120 so pages was just an extremely large introduction. I'm not happy to say these things because of my experience with John Green's books and they're usually so amazing, hooking you in immediately getting you to feel insane amounts of emotion.

But perhaps my expectations where too high after reading some of his other books. Am I the only one with this opinion? Comment down below what you thought if you've read it and share this page if you want others to know. Feel free to get the book if you'd like to read it yourself though.

Wanna Buy It? (With free Shipping)                           Rating - 3 stars out of 5

Saturday 19 July 2014


Ok, so this tent of pure awesomeness is where i'll be reviewing books for you amazing people. I plan to review the oldies, the classics and the up and coming! If you want a book review in particular just comment down below- if you want to buy or borrow a book but want to see anthers opinion on it first? Well here i am :)

I'm sorry but I'm not going to give away spoilers- you'll have to read it yourself for that.

Either way i hope you enjoy - If you want me to do any other segments then just comment below, and if you want to invite others to this tent of awesomeness then go a head and share this page! Thank you lovelies and enjoy your day.

Friday 18 July 2014

Daughter Of Smoke And Bone By Laini Taylor Review

I've now read Daughter of smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor and... Wow.

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.

In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages--not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.

When one of the strangers--beautiful, haunted Akiva--fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?

I’ve read this book. Put it down. And then immediately jumped online trying to find out where I could get the next books. 15 minutes later I had ordered express shipping on the next two books and it took so much self-control to just go ahead and buy the ebook versions.

In other words, it was FANTASTIC. As we begin following the peculiar Karou in Prague who draws things beyond anyone else’s imagination in this fantasy book and as each page we turn its incredibly easy to be sucked in to her humor and the way she thinks. Really, you just would love to be her. But what starts off as a semi ordinary life soon changes as she is sent on her errands or even just steps through the doors of her home. We are constantly guessing on what will happen next. Laini Taylor is an awesome writer and her scenes are played out right in front of your eyes.

Karou is an art student in Prague who has a life among her close friends and her family- who are as different as they could be to the family of her friends. Karou has not just one life, but two- the life of her mysterious errands that are becoming more and more urgent, and the life in which she is a wildly imaginative girl with her sketchbook, and her best friend Zuzana.  These two are spinning and whirling closer. Just when will they collide? I bet you are WILD to find out!

And Akiva. Sigh Beautiful, but frightening Akiva. Haunted by his past, strange like Karou’s family but in a completely different way. He hides from his feelings within with a tough shell of  ‘I can hurt you, but I wont because I cant be bothered.’ Just who is he? And why is Karou an exception to all the others in this world?

This book was recommended to me by a friend who was already 1/2 way through. And as i found myself handily next to Dymocks (my local bookstore), i went right ahead and bought it. mmmm fresh off the self. I hardly put the book down and it was my companion daily for any measure of time. Oh hey I'm on the bus- ill just read a couple of chapters. Trying to go to sleep was a nightmare with this book in tantalising reach. 

I recommend it to anyone who loves a bit of fantasy romance, who also doesn't mind to be tormented whilst waiting for the next books. It's an enthralling read. If you want to keep guessing, be shocked, laugh out loud (and gain weird looks from those around you at the same time) then this is %100 the book for you. You will fall in love with Karou and Akiva and Karou's whimsical, endearing and slightly frightening family. And really. Do you want to be here or Elsewhere?

            Wanna Buy It? (With Free Shipping)              Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!
